Monday, 22 June 2020

Learning Racket

I decided to try to learn Racket. Why?

It's not directly relevant to my current programming in JavaScript, Lua, Python and Rebol. Most of my programming work has been, is, and probably will be, run of the mill application software development. Since I started working as a programmer, languages such as Lisp, Forth and Prolog have always held an element of intrigue for me. They are different from the languages that I use.

Rebol is said to have both Lisp and Forth in its genes. But somehow, it doesn't hold the same level of intrigue. Perhaps its because the majority of people in the Rebol community were intent on using Rebol rather than discussing its design and implementation. The focus was far more on what you could do with Rebol than what you could do to Rebol. It could also be that, to quote a friend, "I wrote Rebol code the same way I wrote COBOL".  On the other hand, it could be that I have reached a reasonable level of fluency and the intrigue has faded during the process.

I didn't start out to learn Racket because I found it intriguing though. I had something else in mind. Functional programming is a hot topic these days (at least in the circles I'm connected with). It is the "only" answer to make use of the ever increasing number of cores in CPUs according to many of its proponents. Object oriented programming is frowned upon in the same circles these days. I use functions in my programs. I use objects in my programs. 

However, I feel that I have a superficial understanding of functional programming. I've taken a quick look at Erlang, studied books on functional programming in JavaScript and watched YouTube videos promoting functional programming in Python. I have an equally superficial understanding of object-oriented programming. I've half-heartedly studied Java in the past. I have learned a little Ruby and dipped in to the world of "proper" object-oriented programming. 

I believe that I would be a better programmer if I was more fluent in both functional programming and object-oriented programming metaphors. I decided to try to learn a functional style programming language and, after that, to properly try object-oriented programming. 

I've even identified two simple projects that I could use as learning vehicles. I know from experience, that I will only reach the level of fluency in a style of programming when I can use it productively by writing useful code in it.

It was easy for me to choose to use Ruby as a medium for object-oriented programming. The choice was not so easy when it came to functional programming.

I was encouraged to learn Elixir. It seems to have taken over some of people's previous enthusiasm for Ruby. People mentioned "SICP" in glowing terms insinuating that it is the seminal functional programming text. You can follow SICP using Racket. In the past, I had heard favourably of Racket. I took a look. It is very professional presented with a lot of documentation. It is easy to install and get started. 

I decided to work through "How To Design Programs" or HTDP as it appears to be snappily known. I chose the word work carefully. I completed around 40 percent of HTDP and did about 90 percent of the 240 exercises I have so far encountred  I probably spent an hour a day studying HTDP. Sometimes it felt a little like "Wax on, wax off" as the exercises felt a little repetitious to me.

It was taking too long to hold my attention, so I switched to The Racket Guide. I made faster progress but also soon realised that I'll need to complete reading most of the guide before I can start writing Racket programs.

At the moment, I still feel that I have a way to go before I can start on even a small project in Racket to start building some actual fluency. I'm not sure that I have the stamina to finish The Racket Guide as an academic exercise.

Thankfully, I have stumbled across another approach which has boosted my enthusiasm which you can read about at (practical-python->racket introduction).

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